Thursday, June 16, 2011

Riding Outdoors

Today being a beautiful day I decided to take my moped for a spin. My husband and I have mopeds that we use around town when we aren't traveling very far from home. What I love about using the moped is that you can connect with your surroundings while you are making significant progress towards your destination.

To get to town I take the road past my house which winds through the woods for several miles. I like the feeling of sensing temperature changes as you zip through patches of shade and sunshine. Since you are traveling with some speed, unlike on a bike (at least when I am peddling), a jacket is often necessary even in the summer. When the air rushes over your skin it can be cold. But just traveling under a tree with all its leaves providing shade over the road cools down that small area enough for your skin to sense a change in temperature. I find it to be a neat feeling.

The other thing I really like is all the smells that drift by. Right now its the flowers that are blooming. The sent of Honeysuckle was in the air today.

I took another ride with my husband when he was done working this evening. He wanted to take a ride to wind down after the workday. We ran an errand then stopped for a snack. When we were done we were greeted with a huge rain cloud hovoring over head. It was drizzling lightly off and on all the way home. Nothing like rain drops covering your glasses as you ride and your have no windshield wipers to turn on1

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